air treatment by biological action on a natural medium (Biolite®) – Azurair™ B

The air is treated by bacteria fixed onto a medium : the Biolite®. These bacteria attack the sulphur and nitrogenous compounds in the presence of humidity.
positioning :
- Medium air flow
- High concentrations of sulphur enriched compounds
- Pretreatment of Azurair™ C to reduce reagent consumption
- Combined with Azurair™ A at the polishing stage for a comprehensive, reagent-free treatment

key figure
- Filtration speed up to 1,400 m/h
among references
- As Samra (Jordan) – 3,300,000 PE
- No reagents
- Compactness
- High concentrations in H2S (up to 150 mg/l)
- A natural, immutable material (no replacement or recharge): Biolite®
- Washing of the Biolite by water and air
- Quarterly water washing
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