energy production by sludge incineration – Thermylis™ 2R

The ThermylisTM 2R, is supplied with sludge that is directly autogenous. The ThermylisTM 2R – 2 Recoveries of energy – is an integrated workshop composed of a high-performance incineration furnace and an electrical turbine. It transforms the final sludge treatment equipment into an alternative energy source. Thermylis 2R best applies incineration systems above 1,000,000 PE (best economic evaluation).

key figures
- Final reduction of sludge volume between 7 to 10% of dewatered sludge volume
- Automated operation 24h/24
- Up to 0 fossil fuel energy consumption
among references
- Bilbao (Spain) 1,000,000 PE
- Duffin Creek (Ontario, Canada) 1,750,000 PE
- Cleveland (Ohio, USA) 1,000,000 PE
- Optimal reduction of electrical consumption by producing electricity which can be allocated to running the workshop and/or export (resale)
- Maximum combustion yield through optimal autogenous sludge
- Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions
- Complete elimination of pathogens and hormonal molecules thus strengthening health and safety
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